Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Flymama Workout-Baby Trade and the dog stays home

I came up with a genius plan, I must say. I wanted more time to take Fly classes during the week and I figured other stay at home moms probably did to. Why not do a flip flop and babysit each others kids so the other can go workout? AWESOME! I found a friend/mom who was just as excited as I was and we have started our trade. I watch her son on Fridays while she is at class and then she does the same for me on Wednesdays. It was funny to watch the two boys together. Her son is 9 months and I quickly realized that Dutch is no longer a baby. He is a boy who wants to wrestle the baby, lead the baby around and does not want me to hold the baby. wow. It was hilarious. Baby Braden is one of the sweetest babies I have ever met so I picked a good one. He never cried and was cool with everything that came his way. I love those babies! All in all they had a great time and my mom friend, Beth, got in a great workout. I am so excited for my turn on Wednesday! I have already started to prep myself and realize Dutch might be mad when I leave. My mantra is HE WILL GET OVER IT HE WILL GET OVER IT. Beth is the most chill mom ever and she can handle anything. I was only with the kids for two hours but I found a new sense of appreciation for those that have more than one child. That requires a WAY bigger effort to find time for yourself or working out- so high five to all you moms with lots of babies! You go girls!
I am really working on letting go of stress and going with the flow. Unfortunately that means Vader, our 5 year old, 90 lb. black lab, has to stay home a little more often. I LOVE Vader as if he is my other human child. I care about him and his needs just as much as anyone else's. I know he needs a walk everyday, he needs his treats, he plays with us, he is very important. I usually try to take him everywhere that Dutch and I go. Vader is not the sharpest tool in the shed and he acts like a maniac sometimes. When we walk he pulls me, he wants to stop and sniff everything- even if that means almost pulling Dutch and I onto our asses. If I were to watch myself on camera with these two in certain moments, I might die of embarrasement. Actually there was a lady last week who saw me saying an F bomb right as Vader yanked me so hard that I actually spilled Dutch's milk on someone's car. (Not to mention we were at the hippie bookstore where everyone is chill and cool and then there is me and my crazy kids with nice hippy lady watching me totally freak out)My boys and I go outside a few times a day on the nice days. I realized one day last week that Vader can actually stay inside. I felt SO GUILTY at first but IT WAS AWESOME! It was so easy! I wasnt being yanked or yanking. I wasnt saying or thinking any F bombs. It felt right. Sorry Big V. But you know what? Vader is perfectly fine. He still goes outside. I make sure he gets to run his crazies out everyday. It is better for all of us if he doesnt go everywhere with us, all the time. Chad could not believe it when I told him I left Vader at home and he was so proud of me! He said something like, "wow, Case. You are learning how to make things easier on yourself. That is awesome." It made me feel so good and reminded me that I need to keep working on that. Find the path that feels good and just go with it. Don't analyze. Don't judge myself with a microscope. Just have fun and feel good. Sounds so simple. Really, it should be.


  1. I'm glad you figured out a way to do more Fly classes. I know how much you enjoy that!

  2. Love how you focus on finding a solution and NOT on the problem!!!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. oops, I accidentaly commented as Traci then had to delete it! Thanks for the comments, I really love them. I hadn't realized I was focusing in a good way. I feel good now! Thanks!!
